House Spoilers: What's Next?

House Spoilers: What's Next?
Photo Credit: FOX

Sunday, August 30, 2009

House Spoilers: On Who Gets Fired


Michael Ausiello at gives us some info on who gets fired in the diagnostic team.

Question: In your column last week you mentioned that someone on House’s team gets fired. Do you mean House’s fellowship team? Or the general team, which would include Wilson and Cuddy? —Alisha
Ausiello: The fellowship team.

Question: Is the character who gets fired on House leaving the show? —Sam
Ausiello: No.

That was a relief!  I was a little worried about the character who might be axed from the show.  I like the characters right now and I want them to stay as much as I want Dr. House to get better soon.  I still remember when the team lost Kutner.  I got teary-eyed and couldn't believe that he ended up like that.

I'm getting more wound-up on who gets the axe on House M.D. Season 6 which will start with its two-hour premiere on Sept. 21.  Got any views you would like to share?  Just speak your mind, what you have to say really matters to me.

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